
Pant:- Half Pant, Colour 1) White & 2) Mixed Black
Shirt: Colour 1) White Half Sleeve, Red Check, (2) Sweater: Mixed Grey (3) House T-Shirt
Socks: 1) White 2) Maroon Yellow Stripe
Shoes: 1) Canvas White 2) Black

Skirt :-  Colour  Red Check
Shirt: Colour 1) White Half Sleeve &Red Check2) Sweater: Mixed Grey 3) House T-Shirt:
Socks: 1) White 2) Maroon Yellow Stripe
Shoes: 1) Canvas White 2) Black

Class: I – IV

Pant:- Half Pant, Colour 1) White & 2) Mixed Black
Shirt: Colour 1) White Half Sleeve & 2) Blue Check, 3) Sweater: Mixed Grey 4) House T-Shirt:
Socks: 1) White 2) Maroon Yellow Stripe
Shoes: 1) Canvas White 2) Black

Girls: -
Skirt: 1) White 2) Mixed Black
Shirt: Colour 1) White Half Sleeve &2) Blue Check  3) Sweater: Mixed Grey4) House T-Shirt:
Socks: 1) White 2) Maroon Yellow Stripe
Shoes: 1) Canvas White 2) Black

Both Boys & Girls:
1) Belt Colour: Blue & White with School Logo
2) Short Neck Tie: Colour Maroon White Stripe

Class: V – IX

Pant:-LongPantColour 1) White & 2) Mixed Black
Shirt: Colour 1) White Half Sleeve & 2) Blue Check, 3) Sweater: Mixed Grey 4) House T-Shirt:
Socks: 1) White 2) Maroon Yellow Stripe
Shoes: 1) Canvas White 2) Black

Girls: -
Skirt: 1) White 2) Mixed Black
Shirt: Colour 1) White Half Sleeve &   2) Blue Check 3) Sweater: Mixed Grey 4) House T-Shirt:
Socks: 1) White 2) Maroon Yellow Stripe
Shoes: 1) Canvas White 2) Black

Both Boys & Girls:
1) Belt Colour: Blue & White with School Logo
2) Long Neck Tie: Colour Maroon White Stripe

- Pupils should always come to school clean and tidy dressed in full school uniform.

- Parents/Guardians are not permitted to walk into the classrooms or interview the teachers during class hours.

- Parents/Guardians are expected to cooperate with the school authorities by enforcing regularities ad discipline seeing that their children prepare their lessons and take an active and helpful interest in the activities of the school.